Rotorua media company’s mahi committed to preserve Māori culture

Arts and Culture Business Kaupapa Māori

Arataua Media is a thriving Māori media production company based in Rotorua.

Founded by the dynamic couple Kahurangi and Chey Milne, Arataua Media’s mission is to uphold te reo Māori and preserve their cultural heritage. It seems fitting that Arataua means “the path of the warrior”.

The company also advocates for local talent, such as hiring reo Māori speakers, and strives to make a lasting impact by providing sustainable employment opportunities and producing extensive content that showcases the beauty of Rotorua, its people, and their stories.

The journey of Arataua began just over a decade ago when the Milne family moved from Auckland to Kahurangi’s papa-kāinga in Ōhinemutu, in order to provide their children with an upbringing deeply connected to their Māori roots. They combined their successful careers in the media and marketing and named their company after the street they lived on, emphasising the importance of whānau.

Kahurangi and Chey cherish the unique opportunities Rotorua offers, from excellent Māori language immersion schools to a thriving Māori-speaking community. Their central location provides easy access to clients and serves as a stunning backdrop for their work.

Their commitment to creating high-quality te reo Māori content has led them to produce television shows, digital content, campaigns, and events. Their ultimate goal of raising tamariki kōrero Māori (Māori-speaking children) drives their endeavours, combining resilience with passion to build a successful, independent media and creative business.

Arataua also contributes to national and mainstream campaigns, establishing the company as a versatile media production service.

Arataua Media has launched a second season of their award-winning podcast ‘Whakamāori’ on RNZ and is set to release shows like ‘Te Nūtube’, featuring their daughter Atareta and her cousin Te Haakura. With relentless dedication to their kaupapa, Kahurangi and Chey aim for a future filled with sustainable opportunities for their people and continued production of quality Māori content, while living in the place they love, Rotorua.



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