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Indigenous artistry takes centre stage at ARONUI Arts Festival 2024

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Launching the ARONUI Indigenous Arts Festival in Rotorua this year is the premiere of “The Voices in the Shadows”, a highly anticipated performance that powerfully blends traditional waiata, dance and poetry.

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Rotorua mentorship programme sparks lifelong friendship

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

When Luke Donnelly and Wade Meads were matched through Big Brothers Big Sisters Rotorua nine years ago, neither could have imagined it would mark the beginning of a lifelong friendship.

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The pioneering businesswoman inspiring future generations

Monday, July 22, 2024

When Ashleigh Nairn began working at BurgerFuel Fairy Springs as a 15-year-old she never thought she would still be there 10 years later. While her workplace remains the same today, her job title is a bit different now – she not only owns the business, she became the youngest Burger Fuel franchisee when she took it over in 2019 at 21.

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Rotorua rangatahi making their mark on the worksite

Monday, July 1, 2024

Korbyn Kiore and Kayden Andersen are prime examples of rangatahi thriving when given the right training, resources and support before entering the workforce. Both young men leapt at the opportunity to join a 12-week Māori Trade Training Course run by WACT Innovation Hub, knowing it would help prepare them for the workforce.

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Community partnership inspiring a new green generation

Monday, July 1, 2024

Every Thursday, the classrooms at Kaharoa School are empty as pupils dive hands-first into a different kind of lesson – one that's rooted in the earth itself.

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Rotorua doctor changing lives 13,000km away

Monday, June 17, 2024

Meet Tamsin Lillie who splits her time between treating our locals in the emergency department at Rotorua Hospital and training Malawians to become health workers.

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Seed saving gardener helping locals reclaim food security

Monday, June 3, 2024

The Eastern Field is on a mission to promote and support food security and seed sovereignty.

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